Wednesday 18 June 2014

The Emphasis of Clarity in Social Media Marketing

Social networks provide online businesses with an exclusive new platform to interact with your users however if your business misses to be transparent online then it is impossible to develop that trust back with your customers. Nothing fails as much as total lack of honesty from a business. This is the reason that being clear is such a crucial part of social media marketing.

Many businesses are deprived of the real fact and under the notion that customers only want to see their positive side alone. So, what they do is delete negative comments and ignore feedback from unsatisfied customers.

By following this method doesn't fool the customers since they are quite informed and if they won’t find one negative comment they know for sure in the long run that you aren't being honest with them somehow.
Customers do not expect businesses to be always positive however they expect trustworthy businesses. The best approach is to show your followers that you are being open and honest is to let them see the entire negative feedback along with the positive. You can also post in your forum some case studies how you handle the negative comments and customer issues.

Use social media as a tool to engage with customers, obtain feedback- both positive and negative, and allow your business to show clarity. Here are some tips how you should be using social networks to achieve that:

Make it easy for your customers to reach you
Your customers want to be able to speak with you in a multiple ways, so make sure that you there is an opportunity to do just that. Educate them on your website, show social media profiles, review site profiles and all of the different methods that they can connect with you.
Provide them an email address to send feedback, questions or complaints. Provide your Twitter handle. Send them an invitation to follow you on Facebook or Instagram. Make sure your phone number and address are quite easy to locate. Always make it effortless to get in touch with you.

First listen and then respond
Users rely entirely on social media as a means to contact the brands that they follow. As a business online, you should be constantly monitoring your multiple networks to make certain you are staying updated of the feedback, comments and questions which are being posted.

Take sufficient time to resolve customer’s complaint. Do you see a negative comment? Don’t just delete it instead take time to ask queries and find out the solution to turn the negative into a positive feedback. Showing this interaction threads on your page shows your followers that you are open and listening and you will do anything to make your customers happy.

Appreciate for feedback and loyalty
Social media platforms are an exquisite platform for you to show appreciation for your customers. Endorse the positive feedback that some of your followers leave on your page. If a user tweets a great comment about your business or service, retweet it. Show to your fans that you are indebted for the positive feedback they have given.

Just follow up
It is quite easy for a business to see a negative feedback online and send an apology. What you don't see is businesses that take sufficient time to follow up with that customer later on. If a customer feedback has led to a change in the approach you do something, let them know. If you had arranged for a replacement reach out to that particular customer to see how the new item really works and is up to their expectations. Follow up with your customers that you are always listening and there to help.

To earn customer loyalty, you have to show the customer that you are always going to be genuine. Being entirely transparent will help your business do just that.

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